Monday, July 2, 2018

Need a Tooth Extracted? Here’s What You Need to Know

from Twitter

July 01, 2018 at 11:09PM
via Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery - NYC

231 E 106th St, New York, NY 10029

Need a Tooth Extracted? Here’s What You Need to Know

Often referred to as exodontia or tooth pulling, tooth extraction is a common dental procedure. It involves the complete removal of a tooth from its socket.

This simple dental procedure can be used to address several oral concerns. In many cases, dental experts recommend tooth extraction to control pain and eliminate discomfort.

When to Go for Tooth Extraction

Dental extraction involved the removal of your tooth from your mouth. You can approach Dr. Brisman for this service when:

  • Suffering from severe tooth infection or tooth decay rendering it too costly to repair that tooth
    • Suffering from advanced gum disease making it necessary to remove the affected tooth to prevent the infection from affecting the supporting tissues
    • Your tooth is blocking a set of teeth from coming in
    • You need before or after extraction of wisdom teeth
    • You need a new set of teeth in place of the existing ones

Understanding the After Effects

If you’re the anxious type, you should know what kind of symptoms to expect after having several teeth pulled. You can keep yourself calm by reminding yourself that a small amount of bleeding is normal after this type of procedure. You also must look out for food debris that might get stuck in the area where the teeth were removed. As long as you picked up the right recovery materials before you went to your dentist appointment, you should be able to handle these after effects without too much discomfort.

Contact Us

Please contact Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery(BIOS) if you would like more information about tooth extraction. If you are currently in pain and require immediate care, we will take care of you right away. If it is after hours, please call our main number.


Learn More About Bone Grafting

from Twitter

July 01, 2018 at 10:12PM
via Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery - NYC

231 E 106th St, New York, NY 10029

Temporomandibular (TMJ) Disorder Treatment

from Twitter

July 01, 2018 at 10:12PM
via Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery - NYC

231 E 106th St, New York, NY 10029

Learn More About Bone Grafting

Bone loss in the jaw occurs when one or more teeth have been lost to tooth decay, periodontal disease or any types of injury. When the teeth cannot stimulate the jaw bone, the bone around missing teeth starts to deteriorate. Over time, the jaw bone can deteriorate to a point that there may no longer be enough bone tissue to place dental implants. In these cases, you may need to undergo a bone grafting procedure on Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery in New York.

Bone grafting involves replacing or augmenting missing bone around the teeth and in areas where teeth are missing. It is often recommended before dental implants and other tooth replacement procedures at Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery.

The three types of bone graft procedures include autogenous, allograft, and xenograft.

  • Autogenous grafts are taken from one area of the body and transplanted to another location.
  • Allografts are performed with bone tissue that is sourced from a cadaver and donated to a bone bank. The bone is screened for safety.
  • Xenografts are performed with bone tissue that comes from a non-human source such as cow, or bovine. This type of procedure may be necessary when extra bone is needed for dental implants.

Why does the jawbone lose density in the first place?

Typically, jawbone loses density due to resorption. Within the first year of tooth loss, you can lose up to 25 percent of your bone density in that particular area. It only continues from there. That is because teeth and roots provide stimulation to the jawbone and that stimulation is a signal to the brain that your jaw is serving its primary purpose. When teeth fall out, that stimulation is reduced or eliminated completely. As a result, the body begins to leach calcium from the jaw for use elsewhere. If you know that you are going to lose a tooth, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment since there are certain procedures that can prevent or limit the amount of resorption.

Other reasons for a loss of bone density is periodontal (gum) disease, developmental defect, injury or decay, and infections. Visiting BIOS on a regular basis for preventative care can help you reduce these risks.

When is bone grafting necessary for dental implants?

If you have lost bone density, your jawbone may no longer be thick enough for an implant. When replacing your teeth with dental implants, a dentist will be surgically placing a small titanium post under your gums and securing it to your jawbone. As such, your jawbone must be dense enough to support the post. Think of it in the same way as if you were building a piece of furniture. The wood you were using would need to be thick enough for the screw. Otherwise, it would not be able to screw in all the way. A bone grafting procedure can increase the density of your jawbone so that the titanium post is a perfect fit.

What happens before the procedure?

Images will need to be taken of your bone so that the dentist and surgeon can create a plan for how to augment it. This is typically done using a CT scan. Additionally, you will need to decide whether you want to use processed bone or have bone taken from somewhere else in your body.

What is the bone grafting procedure like?

Most likely you will be put to sleep for this procedure. No matter what, the area will be numbed with anesthesia. This applies to your gums and to any area from which bone is being removed. Next, an incision will be made in your gum tissue and a flap created so that your bone is visible. This allows the surgeon to identify exactly how much bone needs to be placed there. If a bone is being taken from somewhere else, an incision will be made so that the bone can be extracted at this time. Grafting material will be placed where the bone once was and that area will be stitched up. Next, the new bone will be anchored to your jawbone using a titanium screw. Other grafting material may be used to surround that new block of bone. Some surgeons may also place membrane material around the bone graft. Afterward, the area will be closed and stitched.

How long is the recovery time?

For the process to be completed, it usually takes several months. This is because your body will either be building new bone around the grafting material or fusing your jawbone with the bone that was added from somewhere else in your body. Naturally, this is a slower process but once completed, your dental implants can be placed and they should be far more secure as a result.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are experiencing symptoms of bone loss, bone grafting can restore your facial forms where bone tissue may be missing in the mouth.

The best way to find out if you need a bone grafting procedure is to call us and schedule an appointment. At Brisman Implant and Oral Surgery, we can take X-rays and let you know if your bone is lacking in density. We can then make a recommendation for treatment and discuss a bone graft solution for you.

Temporomandibular (TMJ) Disorder Treatment

Temporomandibular disorder commonly referred to as TMJ is a somewhat common disorder that can cause a variety of negative symptoms. The temporomandibular joint is the primary joint that connects your jaw to the temporal bone in the skull.

TMJ treatment begins with a thorough exam of your teeth and jaw. Impressions of your teeth, x-rays, and CT scan will be taken. Dr. Adam Brisman will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms and examine the joint as you open and close your mouth. The exams and tests are all done for TMJ to properly diagnose your condition in order to create the best treatment plan for you.


Patients with TMJ can experience symptoms that are mild or severe. In any case, it is important to get the following symptoms checked out by Dr. Adam Brisman, so he can give you more data regarding the condition.

TMJ symptoms include:

  • Pain that can occur in the jaw joint, face, shoulders, neck or around the ear when you move your mouth
  • Inability to open your mouth wide
  • Jaws that stick in the open or closed position
  • Clicking or popping when moving the jaw
  • Feeling tired in the face
  • Upper and lower teeth not fitting together correctly
  • Swelling in the face
  • TMJ can occur in a single side or both sides of the face
  • Your jaw seems to feel locked out of place or gets stuck
  • Facial, jaw, and ear discomfort
  • Regular headaches that often seem like migraines, pain, and pressure behind your eyes, and earaches
  • Sore jaw muscles

The best way to tell if you have TMJ disorder is by visiting a dentist. We will be able to perform a series of tests and x-rays to identify any jaw disorders.


There are several types of TMJ disorders, each of which requires different treatment. Because each type produces similar symptoms, it’s important to get an examination to sort out the exact source. From there, Dr. Adam Brisman can begin effective TMJ treatment in NYC patients.

TMJ falls into three main categories:

  • Myofascial pain in the jaw, usually caused by overuse or injury
  • Internal derangement, or dislocation of some component in the jaw
  • Arthritis, which affects the cartilage surrounding the jaw joint

While the precise cause of TMJ disorder is often unclear, some risk factors might make you more likely to develop TMJ disorder, including:

  • Jaw injuries
  • Types of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Long-term teeth grinding and jaw clenching
  • Certain connective tissue diseases that cause problems in the temporomandibular joint

Contact the Best TMJ Specialist in New York City

If you experience pain and discomfort from TMJ, schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam Brisman. TMJ is a stressful and bothersome disorder that can create other problems with your health, so it’s best to find out what the best possible treatment is for you. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam Brisman by calling (212) 348-0020 or by filling out our website form.