Monday, July 2, 2018

Temporomandibular (TMJ) Disorder Treatment

Temporomandibular disorder commonly referred to as TMJ is a somewhat common disorder that can cause a variety of negative symptoms. The temporomandibular joint is the primary joint that connects your jaw to the temporal bone in the skull.

TMJ treatment begins with a thorough exam of your teeth and jaw. Impressions of your teeth, x-rays, and CT scan will be taken. Dr. Adam Brisman will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms and examine the joint as you open and close your mouth. The exams and tests are all done for TMJ to properly diagnose your condition in order to create the best treatment plan for you.


Patients with TMJ can experience symptoms that are mild or severe. In any case, it is important to get the following symptoms checked out by Dr. Adam Brisman, so he can give you more data regarding the condition.

TMJ symptoms include:

  • Pain that can occur in the jaw joint, face, shoulders, neck or around the ear when you move your mouth
  • Inability to open your mouth wide
  • Jaws that stick in the open or closed position
  • Clicking or popping when moving the jaw
  • Feeling tired in the face
  • Upper and lower teeth not fitting together correctly
  • Swelling in the face
  • TMJ can occur in a single side or both sides of the face
  • Your jaw seems to feel locked out of place or gets stuck
  • Facial, jaw, and ear discomfort
  • Regular headaches that often seem like migraines, pain, and pressure behind your eyes, and earaches
  • Sore jaw muscles

The best way to tell if you have TMJ disorder is by visiting a dentist. We will be able to perform a series of tests and x-rays to identify any jaw disorders.


There are several types of TMJ disorders, each of which requires different treatment. Because each type produces similar symptoms, it’s important to get an examination to sort out the exact source. From there, Dr. Adam Brisman can begin effective TMJ treatment in NYC patients.

TMJ falls into three main categories:

  • Myofascial pain in the jaw, usually caused by overuse or injury
  • Internal derangement, or dislocation of some component in the jaw
  • Arthritis, which affects the cartilage surrounding the jaw joint

While the precise cause of TMJ disorder is often unclear, some risk factors might make you more likely to develop TMJ disorder, including:

  • Jaw injuries
  • Types of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Long-term teeth grinding and jaw clenching
  • Certain connective tissue diseases that cause problems in the temporomandibular joint

Contact the Best TMJ Specialist in New York City

If you experience pain and discomfort from TMJ, schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam Brisman. TMJ is a stressful and bothersome disorder that can create other problems with your health, so it’s best to find out what the best possible treatment is for you. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam Brisman by calling (212) 348-0020 or by filling out our website form.

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